(Download) Land Use Law in Florida Writen By W Thomas Hawkins

Land Use Law in Florida

Land Use Law in Florida

Land Use Law in Florida presents an in-depth analysis of land use law common to many states across the United States, using Florida cases and statutes as examples.Florida case law is an important course of study for planners, as the state has its own legal framework that governs how people may use land, with regulation that has evolved to include state-directed urban and regional planning. The book addresses issues in a case format, including planning, land development regulation, property rights, real estate development and land use, transportation, and environmental regulation. Each chapter summarizes the rules that a reader should draw from the cases, making it useful as a reference for practicing professionals and as a teaching tool for planning students who do not have experience in reading law.This text is invaluable for attorneys; professional planners; environmental, property rights, and neighborhood activists; and local government employees who need to understand the rules

Product details: Land Use Law in Florida

Land Use Law in Florida

Author : W Thomas Hawkins

Pages : 306 pages

Publisher : Routledge

Language :

ISBN-10 : 0367622599

ISBN-13 : 9780367622596


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